Link to Schedule of Events, Training and Meetings
This training is provided by the ARES Emergency Coordinator or others during weekly nets, monthly meetings, and drills and exercises. Public service events provide opportunites to lock in the training through real-world experience. You can download the training ‘Task Workbook‘ to keep a record of your training. The Task Workbook can be found on the STX ARES Information Depot Vault area.
Additional training is through courses provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) and the Independent Study Program (ISP).
Many agencies are requiring courses in the National Incident Management System and Incident Command System (ICS) and, even if not required, these courses are generally useful for understanding the management of an incident. The expected Task Book ISP courses are: ICS-100, 200, 700, and 800. The classroom class ICS-300 is also valuable.
The Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL), also offers online emergency management courses. EC-001 and EC-016 are courses are part of the advanced Task Book training.
An additional class interesting to many amateur operators is Skywarn training provided by the National Weather Service. This is organized by local CERT or amateur organizations usually every other year at the beginning of the year. Check the Events page for an announcement of this class and the Houston NWS Skywarn schedule.
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